
Checking the Status of Your eSIM Data Plan

Navigating eSIM data for the first time can be a bit daunting, especially with concerns about unexpected roaming charges. Here's a simplified guide to ensure you're correctly using your eSIM and avoiding any unwanted fees:

Ensuring Your eSIM is Active:

1. Roaming Settings for Primary SIM: Confirm that Data Roaming is "OFF" for your primary SIM to prevent it from connecting to networks outside your usual coverage area, thus avoiding roaming charges.

2. Roaming Settings for eSIM: Make sure Data Roaming is "ON" for your eSIM, enabling iRoamly to connect you to the best local networks without extra fees.

3. Data Source Selection: Verify that iRoamly eSIM is selected as the sole data source in your device's settings. This ensures your device uses only eSIM data.

4. Cellular Data Switching: Disable 'Allow Cellular Data Switching' to prevent your device from using multiple data sources, which could lead to accidental roaming charges.

Testing Your eSIM Data:

1. Wi-Fi Off: Temporarily turn off Wi-Fi to force your device to use eSIM data, ensuring it's functioning correctly.

2. Internet Usage: With Wi-Fi off, try accessing new websites or apps to confirm the eSIM data connection is active.

3. Wi-Fi On: Once you're confident your eSIM is working, you can turn Wi-Fi back on to save on data usage when free connections are available.

Additional Tips:

- If concerns about roaming charges persist, consider turning off your primary phone plan. This disables regular calls and texts but is a foolproof way to avoid roaming fees. Remember, many eSIM options allow calling and texting without your primary number.

By following these steps, you can enjoy the benefits of your eSIM without worry. If you still have concerns, don't hesitate to reach out for support.

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