Top 3 eSIMs Choices for Your Malaysia Travel: Deep Dive

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Write by Maria Gomez
Apr 24, 2024 4 min read

When I travel to Malaysia, staying connected is super important, you know? I want to share pics, use maps, and chat just like I do at home. So, I'm here to make choosing the right eSIM easy by checking out major providers. 

We’ll examine data packages, costs, who gives the best signal, and customer service. I want to help you pick the perfect eSIM for your trip without fuss.

What Factors Should We Think About When Picking a Travel eSIM Brand?

Types of Data Packages: 

Different eSIM providers offer various options. Some give you daily limits, while others let you use a bunch of data however you like. We gotta think about how much data we’ll need during our stay.

iRoamly Malaysia Esim Package Types


The price of eSIMs can be variable. We need to find a good deal that allows us to pay less but still receive a lot of data.

Coverage (Operator): 

We need a good signal, right? To avoid signal problems, we must pick an eSIM that works with operators known for strong coverage.

Hotspot Share: 

If we bring more than one device or travel with friends, we must check if our eSIM lets us share our connection.

Customer Service: 

Good help is a must. We must go with brands that answer fast if we run into trouble.

Top 3 Malaysia Travel eSIM Brands Recommended


They mainly offer "Total Type" data plans, with amounts like 1 GB to 20 GB, which is excellent for folks looking for simple options. They use Digi and Maxis, so coverage is top-notch.

Airalo Homepage


These guys offer all sorts of plans—daily, unlimited, you name it. iRoamly work with Celcom and DiGi, so staying connected is easy.

iRoamly Homepage


If you're a heavy internet user, Holafly’s unlimited plans are perfect. They stick with Maxis, Celcom, and Umobile for good coverage, though they don’t let you share your connection.

Holafly Homepage

Malaysia Travel eSIM Package Comparisons





Types of Data Packages

Total Type

Unlimited / Daily / Total Type


Data Range

1/2/3/5/10/20 GB

0.5/1/3/5/10/20/50 Unlimited GB

Only unlimited

Validity Period (days)



5 to 90










Digi / Maxis

Celcom / DiGi

Maxis / Celcom / Umobile

Customer Service

Online Chatbot

Online Chatbot/WhatsApp/Email/INS

Online Chatbot/WhatsApp

Airalo / iRoamly / Holafly Malaysia Travel eSIM Price Comparison




7 Days

Total: 1 GB, $4.50

Unlimited,  $15.00

Total: 3 GB, $4.00

Total: 10 GB, $10.50

Daily: 1GB, $7.50

Unlimited,  $27

15 Days

Total: 2 GB, $8.00

Unlimited,  $27.00

Total: 3 GB, $5.00

Total: 20 GB, $19.00

Daily: 1GB, $15.00

Unlimited,  $47

30 Days

Total: 5 GB, $15.00

Total: 10 GB, $25.00

Total: 20 GB, $40.00

Unlimited,  $49.00

Total: 5 GB, $7.50

Total: 20 GB, $20.00

Daily: 1GB, $28.50

Unlimited,  $64


  • For Light Data Users: Airalo has plans with lower data amounts, which might be perfect if you don’t use much data. But remember, they only offer one type of plan, so if you need more, it might not be enough.

Airalo Malaysia Esim Plans

  • For Heavy Data Users, iRoamly’s Malaysia travel eSIM has you covered with all kinds of plans, even unlimited ones. If you need a lot of data, they’re a great choice. Plus, their customer service is really helpful.

iRoamly Malaysia Esim Plans

  • For Long-term Travelers: Holafly is the way to go if you're staying longer or need lots of data fast. They only offer unlimited data, which is fantastic, but no hotspot sharing could be a downside if you have many devices.

Holafly Malaysia Esim Plans


Can I use my eSIM outside Malaysia? 

eSIMs are usually meant for use in one country. Check if your provider has regional plans if you need service in other countries.

Is my phone/tablet compatible with an eSIM? 

Nowadays, many smartphones and tablets can use eSIMs. Review the eSIM-compatible devices list or contact the manufacturer to confirm if your device supports this technology.

Can a travel eSIM make calls or send text messages? 

Most travel eSIMs are all about data. They usually don't let you make calls or send texts. Use apps like WhatsApp or Skype for that.

How do I figure out how much data I should buy? 

Think about how you’ve used data on trips before or plan for what you’ll do that requires the Internet. Some providers even have calculators to help you estimate the daily or weekly data usage.