Best Travel eSIMs for Slovenia: Top 3 Detailed Reviews

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Write by Isabella Torres
Apr 24, 2024 4 min read

Being able to hop online is super essential for a great trip outside the country. So, when I got down to planning my trip to Slovenia, I figured I needed the best eSIM to keep me connected. 

I'll share what I learned about top eSIM options in this guide. We're not just talking about keeping you online here; it's about enjoying your trip without worrying about losing your signal. Let's find the perfect eSIM for your Slovenia adventure!

What Should You Think About When Choosing a Travel eSIM?

When picking eSIMs for travel, I consider a few key points. Here's a quick rundown:

Types of Data Packages

There are various plans—some offer a fixed amount of data, others have daily limits, and some are unlimited. I always consider my data needs to avoid running out or overpaying.

iRoamly Taiwan Esim Package Types


Price is always a big factor. Looking for value—getting the right balance between cost and data amount. It's not just about finding the cheapest option but also what you get for your money.

Coverage (Operator)

Reliable coverage is key. I always check which local networks the eSIM uses to ensure I'll have good internet access throughout Slovenia.

Hotspot Share

Sharing the internet is super helpful if you're traveling with a tablet or laptop or if you're with friends or family. But not all eSIMs let you tether other devices. So make sure to check if the eSIM allows it if you need that feature.

Customer Service

Strong customer support is crucial. I prefer eSIM providers that offer fast and accessible help—via chatbots, WhatsApp, or email—especially if I encounter issues on my trip.

Top 3 Slovenia Travel eSIM Brand Recommendations


They give pretty good coverage and are primarily for people who don't need a ton of data. Airalo uses operators like Telemach to ensure good service all over Slovenia.

Airalo Homepage


iRoamly is known for having many different data packages. Because of its options, it works for both short trips and longer stays. It uses networks like T-Mobile to cover a lot of ground.

iRoamly Homepage


They focus on offering unlimited data plans, perfect for avoiding running out of data. They use Orange, so the connection is solid in Slovenia.

Holafly Homepage

Slovenia Travel eSIM Package Comparisons





Types of Data Packages

Total Type

Unlimited / Daily / Total Type


Data Range

1/2/3/5/10/20 GB

1/5/10/20/Unlimited GB

Only unlimited

Validity Period (days)



1 to 90










Telemach / SI.mobil

T-Mobile / AT&T


Customer Service

Online Chatbot

Online Chatbot / WhatsApp / Email / Ins

Online Chatbot / WhatsApp

Airalo / iRoamly / Holafly Slovenia Travel eSIM Price Comparison




7 Days

Total: 1 GB, $5.00

Unlimited,  $23.00

Total: 5 GB, $11.50

Total: 10 GB, $20

Daily: 1GB, $11.50

Unlimited,  $27.00

15 Days

Total: 2 GB, $8.50

Unlimited,  $45.00

Total: 5 GB, $13.00

Total: 20 GB, $38.00

Daily: 1GB, $23.00

Unlimited,  $47.00

30 Days

Total: 5 GB, $15.00

Total: 10 GB, $22.50

Total: 20 GB, $46.00

Unlimited,  $85.00

Total: 5 GB, $13.50

Total: 10 GB, $22.50

Daily: 1GB, $44.00

Unlimited,  $64.00


If you use little data, Airalo might be just what you need. Their plans are simple, but they might not be enough if you use a lot of data.

Airalo Slovenia Esim Plans 

iRoamly’s Slovenia travel eSIM has a lot of different plans at lower prices, which is great if your data needs change a lot. 

iRoamly Slovenia Esim Plans

Holafly is the best if you stay in Slovenia for a long time. You may use a lot of data and don't want to keep checking how much you've used. Remember that it's pricier, and you can't share your data with other devices.

Holafly Slovenia Esim Plans


Can I use my eSIM in countries outside of Slovenia?

The eSIM packages we're talking about are mainly for use in Slovenia, no matter which provider you choose. If you need service in other countries, consider the global or regional eSIM plans.

Is my phone/tablet compatible with an eSIM?

Most new smartphones and tablets can use eSIMs. To confirm compatibility, you can use our list of eSIM-supported devices, check your device's specs, or ask the manufacturer. 

Can travel eSIM make calls or send text messages?

The Slovenia travel eSIMs we're talking about are primarily for internet use, so they don't do regular calls and texts. You'll need to use apps for that.

How do I figure out how many GB packages I should buy?

Think about what you'll be doing online. If you use maps, social media, or stream videos, ensure you get enough GBs to cover everything. A travel data calculator can help you get a clear idea of the data consumption for different activities.