Exploring China: Top 3 eSIMs Reviewed for Seamless Travel

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Write by Isabella Torres
May 20, 2024 4 min read

When planning a trip to China choosing the right eSIM should be a top priority to ensure you remain connected without being too heavy on your wallet. 

I suggest you do a competitive analysis between the three main eSIM providers: Airalo, Holafly and iRoamly. We’ll look at their data packages, costs, coverage, and customer service before deciding.

Let’s find out your perfect match.

What Factors Should You Look At When Picking a Travel eSIM Brand?

Types of Data Packages: 

Three types of data plans are offered by the providers: Allowance of Daily plans is reset each day, total data plans where your data is limited to a certain quantity from the start and lastly, an Unlimited data plan for those who don’t want restrictions in terms of the data. One thing to note is that when traveling with low data allowances it can often be used up sooner than you think. You may be accessing the Internet for things outside your everyday life, such as map navigation, finding attractions, or sharing photos with friends and family more often than usual.

iRoamly China  Esim Package Types


If you want to make sure that you’ve made the right choice when choosing a plan, you should consider the amount of data (MBs/GBs) and time (no. of days) against the price it is listed for. Make sure to have enough data and time to last the duration of your trip to avoid rebuying and wasting money.

Coverage (Operator): 

What’s the point of having a good data plan if you cannot use it everywhere in the country? To avoid this issue, you need to choose a brand that offers network coverage from China’s leading network providers such as China Unicom, China Telecom, and China Mobile.

Hotspot Share: 

Hotspot sharing lets you assign a data plan to multiple devices, or share your connection with other devices. However, not every plan supports this. So check your purchase page to make sure you choose an eSIM brand that offers you this option.  

Customer Service: 

Good help is key, especially when you're far from home. Go for eSIM providers that offer support in lots of different ways—like chatbots or WhatsApp—so you can get help quickly when needed.

Top 3 China Travel eSIM Brands Recommended


Airalo keeps it simple and offers Total plans that give you a choice between 1 to 20GBs. It connects you with the China Unicom network and gives you an online chatbot option if you need assistance after sales.

Airalo Homepage


iRoamly is a brand that likes to give multiple choices ensuring there’s an option for everyone along with flexibility in the amounts of data and days for each plan. Partnering up with two of the main network providers China Unicom and China Telecom coverage is not an issue. To keep the service a pleasant experience it provides multiple customer support channels, such as an Online Chatbot, WhatsApp, and email.

iRoamly Homepage


Being the only option available that gives unlimited data plans that can last up to 90 days, Holafly sets itself apart from the competition. Moreover, it provides decent coverage through China's mobile network and gives two options for customer support, such as Online chatbots and WhatsApp.

Holafly Homepage

China Travel eSIM Package Comparisons





Types of Data Packages

Total Type

Total Type


Data Range

1/2/3/5/10/20 GB

5/10/20 GB

Only Unlimited

Validity Period (days)



1 to 90










China Unicom

China Unicom / China Telecom

China Mobile

Customer Service

Online Chatbot

Online Chatbot / WhatsApp / Email / INS

Online Chatbot / WhatsApp

Airalo / iRoamly / Holafly China Travel eSIM Price Comparison




7 Days

Total: 1 GB, $5.00

Total: 5 GB, $11.00

Total: 10 GB, $20.00

Total: 20 GB, $37.00

Unlimited,  $29.00

15 Days

Total: 2 GB, $8.50

Total: 5 GB, $12.00

Total: 10 GB, $22.50

Total: 20 GB, $42.00

Unlimited,  $51.00

30 Days

Total: 5 GB, $16.50

Total: 10GB, $28.00

Total: 20 GB, $49.00

Total: 5 GB, $12.50

Total: 10 GB, $24.00

Total: 20 GB, $44.00

Unlimited,  $75.00


For light to heavy data usage needs, Airalo and iRoamly are good choices. They only offer total data plans but iRoamly provides more options for data in the 7 and 15-day categories. 

Airalo China  Esim Plans

Both have similar plans in terms of data for the 30-day option, with iRoamly’s China travel eSIM being the cheaper option. 

iRoamly China  Esim Plans

For long-term travelers and heavy data usage, Holafly is your fit as the only option providing unlimited data for 1 to 90 days.   

Holafly China  Esim Plans


Can I use my eSIM in countries outside of China?

No. If you’re going to travel to other countries other than China it’s better to choose an Asia regional or Global plan which provides services in multiple countries.

Is my phone/tablet compatible with an eSIM?

In recent times, the majority of smartphones and tablet devices have embraced the eSIM functionality. To confirm compatibility, refer to our eSIM support list or consult the manufacturer's website for assurance.

Can travel eSIM make calls or send text messages?

No. Most eSIMs don’t offer calling or texting, as they only provide internet access. But don’t worry—you can always use the data from your eSIM to use WhatsApp, FaceTime, and Skype for these options.

How do I figure out how many GB packages I should buy?

Consider your internet usage, duration of stay, and planned activities. Still no idea?

Use iRoamly's professional online data calculator to assist you in making an informed decision.

Who are the top SIM Card & Mobile Network Providers in China?

China Unicom, China Telecom, and China Mobile are the top three network providers with service throughout the country, whether it’s a rural or urban area. With their good customer support, you're in safe hands.