Best Lithuania Travel eSIMs: In-Depth Review of Top 3 Brands

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Write by Maria Gomez
May 27, 2024 5 min read

When traveling to Lithuania, choosing a reliable eSIM can significantly influence your trip. But how to the best eSIM from so many brands on the market?

Here’s a guide to walk you through the top 3 eSIM brands in Lithuania. We will explore what packages they have, how much they cost, what services they offer, and more.

What’re you waiting for? Let’s begin!

What Should You Look At When Choosing a Travel eSIM Brand?

Types of Data Packages: 

Commonly, three types of data packages are available. First, daily limits set a data cap each day, and total plans(such as 5 GB/7 days) give you quantitative data during your trip, less limited than daily ones. Plus, with unlimited data, you can surf the web without having to worry about running out of data. When choosing the suitable plan, you'd better figure out your practical data usgae. 

iRoamly Lithuania  Esim Package Types


The cost can be low to several dollars or high up to hundreds. Sometimes, lower plans might seem attractive, but they're not actually price-friendly. For example, compare a $4.50 1GB/2-day plan to a $10 4GB/5-day plan, and you'll find that the lower-priced plan has a higher average price. Therefore, I advise you to calculate the cost per day or per GB before purchasing.

Coverage (Operator): 

Usually, eSIM providers cooperate with local operators for substantial network and extensive coverage. So, I always make sure the eSIM I pick works with a network, such as Bite, Tele2, and Telia Lietuva, that has a strong signal all over Lithuania. 

Hotspot Share: 

In addition to estimating the cost in advance, choosing an eSIM with hotspot sharing is also an effective way to save money. If you're traveling with multiple devices or friends, you can share your data as mobile Wi-Fi. Yet, some eSIM providers limit this feature, so it's better to verify it on their product page.

Customer Service: 

The eSIM issue is a super headache thing during the trip. As it happened, a supportive and fast-response after-sales team is very helpful. Therefore, to have reliable insurance for your eSIM, check whether the provider offers various easy-touching channels, such as Chatbots, WhatsApp, Email, and Instagram.

Top 3 eSIM Brands for Travel to Lithuania


In Lithuania, Airalo only has total plans, including options from 1GB to 20 GB. Collaborating with UAB Bite—Lietuva, a strong operator in Lithuania, it ensures a substantial network, especially in urban cities. Furthermore, you'll get quick assistance if your eSIM goes wrong.

Airalo Homepage


Unlike Airalo, iRoamly offers diverse data packages—daily allowance, total plans, and unlimited data. In order to give travelers a good experience, it works with powerful local operators, like Bite, Tele2, and Telia Lietuva, with which you can access the internet at any time and anywhere. Moreover, good client support (chatbot, email, WhatsApp, etc.) is standing by to get you out of eSIM trouble. 

iRoamly Homepage


The Unlimited data package is an outstanding feature of Holafly, including wide selections from 1 to 90 days. For internet connectivity, it cooperates with Orange, making sure wide coverage throughout the country. Plus, different from the other two brands, Holafly limits hotspot sharing every day.

Holafly Homepage

Comparing eSIM Packages for Travel to Lithuania





Types of Data Packages

Fixed amount



Data Range

1/2/3/5/10/20 GB

1/5/10/20/50/Unlimited GB

Only unlimited

Validity Period (days)



1 to 90








500mb per day


UAB Bite—Lietuva

Bite/Tele2/Telia Lietuva


Customer Service

Online Chatbot



Airalo / iRoamly / Holafly Lithuania Travel eSIM Price Comparison




7 Days

Total: 1 GB, $4.50

Unlimited,  $23.00

Total: 5 GB, $11.50

Total: 10GB, $20.00

Daily: 1GB, $11.50

Unlimited,  $27.00

15 Days

Total: 2 GB, $7.50

Unlimited,  $45.00

Total: 5 GB, $13.00

Total: 10 GB, $22.00

Daily: 1GB, $23.00

Unlimited,  $47.00

30 Days

Total: 5 GB, $13.50

Total: 10GB, $22.00

Total: 20 GB, $34.00

Unlimited,  $85.00

Total: 5 GB, $13.50

Total: 20 GB, $40.00

Daily: 1GB, $44.00

Unlimited,  $64.00


For Light Data Users:

For people who entirely enjoy the landscape and don't use data frequently, Airalo is suitable and convenient, as it focuses on total plans. However, if you need larger amount of data, like sharing photos or videos, some of its plans, such as 1 GB/ 7 days, might be insufficient.

Airalo Lithuania  Esim Plans

For Heavy Data Users: 

As mentioned, iRoamly’s Lithuania travel eSIM offers more data options, matching many needs. For instance, you might often search the internet for local food and must-meet attractions, then its plan of 5 GB for 7 days is great for you. Of course, it also provides plans with more data. Take the daily plan of 1GB /day as an example, it allows you to do more online activities, such as posting your travel adventure on media, which is more cost-effective than Airalo. What’s more, its unlimited data gets you connected all the time.  

iRoamly Lithuania  Esim Plans

For Long-Term Travelers: 

Holafly only provides unlimited data in Lithuania, but you can make decisions from 1 to 90 days, flexibly adapting your travel plans. It reduces the trouble of updating plans when the duration is over and the worry about data exhaustion. However, please note that it has a limitation for 500MB hotspot sharing each day.

Holafly Lithuania  Esim Plans


Can I use my eSIM outside Lithuania? 

No, these eSIMs are just for Lithuania. If you're going to other neighboring countries, you might need a regional eSIM.

Is my device eSIM ready?

Most new phones and tablets work with eSIMs. For more details, checking iRoamly’s list of compatible devices is a good way or just ask the manufacturer. 

Can I make calls or send texts with an eSIM? 

No, eSIMs are primarily for using the internet. But you can use online apps like WhatsApp as alternatives.

How much data should I buy? 

Adjust your selection based on your daily data usage: How long do you spend on the internet? What do you usually do online? If you’re confused about this, our travel data calculator can help you figure it out. 

Who are the best SIM card providers in Lithuania?

  • UAB Bite Lietuva: A wide coverage and reliable service for both locals and visitors alike. 

  • Tele2: A variety of plans with good deals and a solid network. 

  • Telia Lietuva: Speedy internet, good customer service, and fulfills everyone's needs.