Find the Best Luxembourg Travel eSIM - TOP 3 Brands Review

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Write by Hugo Martinez
May 27, 2024 5 min read

When you're in Luxembourg and want to share photos with your family, having the right eSIM is essential. But which one is the best? This guide will compare the top three eSIM brands in Luxembourg: Airalo, iRoamly, and Holafly. 

Let’s walk through the data plans, prices, coverage, and more to help you discover your suitable eSIM. No more wasting money!

What should you look at when picking a travel eSIM brand?

Types of Data Packages: 

There are three typical eSIM packages: Daily, Total, and Unlimited. 'Daily' limits the amount of data you can use per day with your quota, the 'Total' option allows you to use limited data during the whole duration, and the 'Unlimited' plan does not limit data consumption. Which one is the best? Well, it mainly depends on two things: your trip duration and your online needs.

iRoamly Luxembourg  Esim Package Types


The three eSIM plans we covered above have different data plan options, ranging in price from a few dollars to hundreds. When comparing prices, be aware that the lowest plan price doesn't always mean the best deal, as it may come with less data and be used up quickly. Thus, the cost per day or per GB for each plan should be calculated to clarify the cost of the various plans.

Coverage (Operator): 

Typically, eSIM providers partner with local Luxembourg operators such as POST Luxembourg and Tango to provide internet services. This means that the real operator behind the plan is crucial for your stable connection, especially in rural areas, as not all operators transmit wide signal coverage. So the good way to prevent signal problems is to check that the coverage matches your destination.

Hotspot Share:

Traveling with multiple devices? Hotspot sharing is incredibly useful, enabling different phones or computers to access the internet at the same time. But before paying the bill, don’t forget to read the details page, as not all eSIM brands support this feature.

Customer Service:

eSIM issues are a very headache thing,  especially during the trip. Therefore, when browsing the detailed page, carefully check if the provider offers client assistance easy to get in touch, such as Online Chatbot, WhatsApp, and  Email.

Top 3 Luxembourg Travel eSIM Brands Recommended


Total plans are Airalo's main product. Plus, it offers different options from 7 to 30 days for Luxembourg travelers. Collaborating with strong local operators, such as Tango and Orange, Airalo decides to provide a stable network with customers. What’s more, they use an online chatbot for eSIM troubleshooting. 

Airalo Homepage


iRoamly’s outstanding feature is its diverse data plans, ranging from daily to total and unlimited. Whether you plan a long-term trip or not, it can satisfy your needs. In addition to working with Tango like Airalo, iRoamly also has partnerships with another strong local network, POST Luxembourg, reducing the worries about signal loss in both rural areas and urban cities.

iRoamly Homepage


Holafly provides unlimited data plans in Luxembourg, making it popular with travelers. In terms of connectivity, it cooperates with a well-known operator—Orange, to ensure you can surf the internet seamlessly. However, Holafly limits hotspot sharing every day, which is not friendly if you have serval devices.

Holafly Homepage

Luxembourg Travel eSIM Package Comparisons





Types of Data Packages

Total Type

Unlimited / Daily / Total Type


Data Range

1/2/3/5/10/20 GB

1/5/10/20/50/Unlimited GB

Only unlimited

Validity Period (days)







500mb per day




Not included


Tango / Orange

POST Luxembourg / Tango


Customer Service

Online Chatbot

Online Chatbot / WhatsApp/ Email

Online Chatbot / WhatsApp

Airalo / iRoamly / Holafly Luxembourg Travel eSIM Price Comparison




7 Days

Total: 1 GB, $4.50

Unlimited,  $23.00

Total: 5 GB, $11.50

Total: 10GB, $20.00

Daily: 1GB, $11.50

Unlimited,  $27.00

15 Days

Total: 2 GB, $7.50

Unlimited,  $45.00

Total: 5 GB, $13.00

Total: 20 GB, $38.00

Daily: 1GB, $23.00

Unlimited,  $47.00

30 Days

Total: 5 GB, $13.50

Total: 10GB, $22.00

Total: 20 GB, $34.00

Unlimited,  $85.00

Total: 5 GB, $13.50

Total: 10 GB, $22.50

Daily: 1GB, $44.00

Unlimited,  $64.00


For Light Data Users:

Airalo’s Total plan with 1 to 20 GB is a good choice for travelers who don’t need a lot of data. For example,  the 1GB/7 days plan is a good fit for small data needs, such as navigation and messaging. However, Airalo may not satisfy the requirement of more data for other activities like sharing photos.

Airalo Luxembourg  Esim Plans

For Heavy Data Users:

Want a large amount of data? iRoamly's Luxembourg travel eSIM is an ideal selection. Its tailored plans cater to various needs, including daily limits, total and unlimited data, which is great for short getaways or extended travels. Besides, it’s more cost-effective than Airalo. For instance, iRoamly's 20 GB plan for 15 days costs half per GB compared to Airalo's 2 GB for the same period. In addition, its unlimited plan is a great choice to help you get rid of data exhaustion.

iRoamly Luxembourg  Esim Plans

For Long-term Travelers:

Holafly is a top choice for substantial data over a long trip lasting more than 30 days. Its unlimited options contain a lot of days, from 5 to 90, fulfilling your large need for data and reducing the trouble of updating plans during the period. However, it is pricer than the other two brands. Plus, note that Holafly only allows hotspot sharing of 500 MB daily.

Holafly Luxembourg  Esim Plans


Can I use my eSIM outside of Luxembourg?
No, it cannot be used in other countries. If your trip includes neighboring countries, such as France and Germany, a regional eSIM is more suitable.

Will my phone work with an eSIM?
Currently, most phones offer eSIM support. To make sure whether your gadget is compatible, you can check our supportive devices list or contact the phone manufacturer.

Can I make calls or send texts with a travel eSIM?
No, travel eSIM doesn’t support phone calls and texts. But this will not be a trouble, as other online apps like WhatsApp also have these functions.

How do I know how much data to buy?

Consider choosing a larger data plan for frequent online activities, like streaming videos or relying on navigation apps. Alternatively, you can use iRoamly's data calculator to gauge your daily, weekly, and monthly data needs.